Housing Models for PMAY-G
With the emergence of the Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana- Gramin (PMAY-G) in the country aiming to provide “Housing for All” by 2022, the specification and implementation is a bit different from that of IAY. The objective of the PMAY-G Scheme is to provide pucca houses with basic amenities, to all houseless households and also to those households living in kutcha and dilapidated houses. At present, there are no approved designs of houses under the scheme to be model house for the State where we can implement accordingly in all the regions. Few Rural Housing designs / models are being proposed for the implementation of PMAY-G Scheme which may be constructed and are applicable with respect to different topologies and climatic conditions in different regions of the State of Meghalaya.
The following Rural House models / designs along with the detailed cost estimates using Sustainable materials such as Treated Bamboos and Stabilised Mud Blocks/ Bricks in combination with / or either Reinforced Cement Concrete (R.C.C.) Frame Structures with hipped roof / gable roof / flat roof CGI Sheet covering have been designed for the implementation of the PMAY-G Scheme in accordance and applicability based as per different geographical terrains/ regions and climatic conditions in the State of Meghalaya. These Estimates have been prepared as per Govt. of Meghalaya P.W.D (Building Works) Schedule of Rates (SoR) 2015-16 as per Khasi Hills Region Rates. {For Garo Hills & Jaintia Hills Region, the cost is subjected to slightly increase.}
As per the applicability and suitability according to the geographical conditions of the region, a beneficiary may opt or may prefer for any one of the models/ designs and may adopt any of the technologies / and or may make any modifications according to his/ her own convenience. It is to be noted that the plinth area of all the models have been designed keeping in view with the least minimum area i.e. 25 sq.m as per the PMAY-G guidelines.
Sl No |
PMAY-G Model No. |
Description of the Model |
Area (sq.m) |
Area/ Topography Applicability |
Amount |
1. |
Model No. 1 |
Bamboo Technology with Mud Blocks – Using Bamboo Columns (Treated bamboos) with half wall – Stabilised Mud Blocks & Half Bamboo Strip - Chicken mesh Ekra Walling with hipped roof using CGI sheet covering. |
25 sq.m |
Applicable in plain as well as hilly regions of Meghalaya where the region is having moderate / heavy rainfalls but affected by less cyclones & floods throughout the year. |
Rs.1,49,800.00 |
2. |
Model No. 2 |
RCC Frame Structure with half Mud Blocks & half Ekra walling: RCC Columns with half wall Mud Blocks & Half Bamboo Strip-Chicken mesh Ekra Wall with Hipped roof CGI Sheet covering. |
25 sq.m |
Applicable in plain as well as hilly regions of Meghalaya where the region is having moderate / heavy rainfalls but affected by less cyclones & floods throughout the year. |
Rs.2,18,500.00 |
3. |
Model No. 3 |
RCC Frame Structure with half Mud Block and Half Bamboo Mat walling: RCC Columns with half wall Mud Block/ Brick wall & Half Bamboo Mat walling (with Cross Hipped roof CGI Sheet covering.) |
26 sq.m |
Applicable in all rural parts of Meghalaya. Most common & traditional way of house construction in Meghalaya. |
Rs.2,02,600.00 |
4. |
Model No. 4 |
RCC Frame Structure with half Brick Wall and Half Bamboo Mat walling: RCC Columns with half wall Mud Block & Half Bamboo Mat walling (with flat roof CGI Sheet covering.) |
26 sq.m |
Applicable in all rural parts of Meghalaya. Most simple & common type of house construction in Meghalaya. |
Rs.1,94,450.00 |
5. |
Model No. 5 |
RCC Frame Structure with full Mud Block walling / Brick wall: RCC Columns with full Mud Block walls/ Brick wall with open gable roof CGI Sheet covering. |
28.2 sq.m |
Applicable in all rural parts of Meghalaya. Full Pucca RCC Frame structure and very much safe. Applicable in all types of climatic conditions and terrains. |
Rs.2,20,550.00 |
6. |
Model No. 6 |
Assam Type House: RCC Columns with full ekra walling with open gable roof CGI Sheet covering. |
25 sq.m |
Applicable in all rural parts of Meghalaya. Most common type of House Construction and very much cost effective and safe. |
Rs.1,79,400.00 |
7. |
Model No. 7 |
Assam Type House with raised floor: RCC Columns, Raised floor (local wooden floors) & full ekra wall with Cross Hipped Roof. |
25.2 sq.m |
Applicable in mostly flood affected areas (plain areas). Most common type of House Construction and very much cost effective. |
Rs.2,14,350.00 |
8. |
Model No. 8 |
Assam Type House with raised floor -half Brick Wall & half bamboo mat wall: Raised floor with RCC Columns, local wooden floors & Half Mud Blocks & half bamboo mat wall with Cross Hipped Roof. |
25.2 sq.m |
Applicable in mostly flood affected areas. Very much cost effective, safe and strong. Commonly constructed across Meghalaya. |
Rs.2,08,200.00 |
9. |
Model No. 9 |
Simple RCC House: RCC Frame Structure with brick walls (with paint finishing), bamboo/ wooden purlins covered with CGI sheet. |
25 sq.m |
Applicable in all parts of Meghalaya irrespective of different topologies and climatic conditions. |
Rs.2,56,000.00 |